Saturday, December 29, 2007


Welcome to my blog! As you can probably guess, my intention is for this to chronicle (mainly through photos) our children's lives for family and friends. It will also be a record for me, as they change so fast and it is hard to remember all the things they do and say from one year to the next. Hopefully it will also remind me to take more pictures. :) Realistically, I don't know how often I'll be able to update it ....we'll just have to see how things go.

To start things off, here are a few pictures from our trip to Science World today. We had a fun time although it was super crowded! We always seem to spend the most time in the "Eureka" exhibit, and today, especially for Darius, it was a dream come true. He had as many balls as he could hold and water all around to play in! The "Bodyworks" exhibit was definitely meant for more mature audiences. It was a case of walking in and saying "hmmm....our kids don't need to learn about this
just yet, and "casually" walking out again." :) We missed the cautionary sign at the entrance. LOL.

1 comment:

ioi said...

Did you write the poem? It's familiar, but I can't pinpoint why.

P.S. I checked out the wordpress blog too, but blogger seems more 'reader friendly'. Let me know which one you end up sticking with so I can link to you. :)